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of Satisfied Patients

Over 200,000+ patients have reclaimed their lives with Hemwellectomy.

Our advanced, pain-free procedure offers a highly effective solution for hemorrhoids, allowing you to return to your daily activities without discomfort.


Our Patients

From a Gastroenterologist’s Perspective

“I’ve suffered from right-sided hemorrhoids since college, enduring painful episodes and ineffective treatments. After my Hemwellectomy, I experienced miraculous results—no more pain, prolapse, or bleeding. This procedure has completely transformed my quality of life, and I haven’t felt this well in over 30 years. Post-procedure discomfort was minimal, and I returned to my normal activities the very next day.”

Dr. D.A.’s Personal Endorsement

Cedric’s Story

“For nearly three decades, I battled hemorrhoid pain, trying countless remedies without success. The Hemwellectomy procedure changed my life. After years of discomfort, I experienced immediate relief with no pain and quick recovery. Within weeks, my hemorrhoids were gone, and I returned to my active lifestyle, working out regularly and living without pain. Hemwellectomy gave me a new lease on life.”

Cedric's Journey to Relief and Beyond

Age 50

“I have struggled with hemorrhoids for many years. I was embarrassed to say anything, but they have had a considerable impact on my life. Sitting at work for long periods of time was unbearable and the itching was driving me crazy. My doctor recommended HemWell, which I had. My recovery from HemWell was super-fast, easy and painless. By the next day I was back to work and could sit without any itching or pain.”

Robert M.

Age 30

“When I had my second child, my hemorrhoids came back, but were much more severe than they had been. Over-the-counter medication didn’t work so my doctor recommended, HemWell. Because he said it was painless, I decided to have it done. The same day, after HemWell, all the swelling was gone. The pain was gone, and I could walk comfortably again. By the next day, I felt as if I had never suffered from hemorrhoids. If you need hemorrhoid treatment I highly recommend HemWell.”

Sarah L.

Age 54

“I suffered from burning itching and bleeding hemorrhoids for years. When the lump developed, I decided to see my doctor who recommended surgery. After undergoing the operation the pain was unbearable for weeks and I dreaded having a BM. Eventually the pain subsided, and the lump was gone. Three years later, the lump returned, but this time I refuse surgery. My doctor recommended the Hemwellectomy. She said it was relatively painless. So I agreed to have it done. After HemWell I was surprised to see I didn’t have pain. I had a strong discomfort but didn’t even need to take a Tylenol. After my surgery, every bowel movement was painful for weeks, but after HemWell I was happy. It’s now been six months, and my hemorrhoids have not returned, but I know if they do I will have the Hemwellectomy again.”

Marcus R.

Age 56

“I’d experienced all the symptoms of hemorrhoids, burning, itching, bleeding and pain. I always felts as if I still had something left in me after a BM. The over-the-counter medication helped the itching for a short time, but never completely relieved my symptoms . My doctor recommended a HemWell procedure and it worked wonders. I was back on my feet the same day and never experienced any pain. I had a little bleeding afterwards but that only lasted 2 days. It’s now been 3 months and I am happy I had it done.”

Martha G.

Age 27

“As someone with a desk job, my hemorrhoids became unbearable. I was constantly in pain and embarrassed by my situation. I would frequently have blood on my toilet paper. My doctor recommended a Hemwellectomy. The results were incredible. The pain itching and embarrassment was all gone. I was surprised to see how painless the procedure was. If my symptoms return I not wait so long to have them treated. Hemwellectomy is easy and works. There is no reason to suffer as long as I did.”

Susan R.

Age 50

“I have always been concerned about cancer and when I saw blood on the toilet paper, I immediately thought, it was colon cancer. I was relieved to hear it just was hemorrhoids. I still wanted them gone and for the bleeding to stop. My doctor recommended a Hemwellectomy because it was safe and painless. After the procedure I had some bleeding, but that disappeared after a few days. It has been a year, and I am still very happy with the results. The HemWell procedure worked great. If you need it get it done!”

Mike K.

Age 64

“For years I suffered in silence with my hemorrhoids. Too embarrassed to tell anyone. I tried creams and ointments stool softeners, and laxatives. I followed doctor’s recommendations to exercise, and drinking lots of water. I felt some relief, but my hemorrhoids always returned Finally, I went to a specialist who recommended the HemWell procedure.

I can’t tell you how happy I am that I had it done. HemWell did not hurt and except for a little bleeding following the procedure. It’s been 6 months and I feel better than I have in years.”

Daniel L.

Age 36

“The bleeding, itching and pain I had after a BM concerned me. My doctor sent me to a gastroenterologist who diagnosed my hemorrhoids. I was surprised because I am active, exercise, eat well and am not over weight. She recommended HemWell and I am glad I said yes. When I woke up all my symptoms were gone. Recovery was easy. I never had any pain. The next day I went back to work as if I never had anything done. It’s now been 2 months now and I feel great.”

Jennifer K.

Age 29

“For a long time, I had the feeling, after a bowel movement, I did not get everything out. One time I strain so hard to relive myself a lump popped out of my rectum, but popped back without me doing anything…. My doctor told me I had hemorrhoids and recommended HemWell. After the procedure, I felt wonderful. I never experienced any pain, only minor discomfort. Now, when I have a bowel movement, I get the feeling that everything is gone, no need to strain. It’s been two years, and the uncomfortable feeling of incomplete evacuation has not returned but if it does, I will have another HemWell.”

Hailley M.

Don’t let hemorrhoids hold you back—

discover the life-changing benefits of Hemwellectomy today.